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SAQP2024SHAKTI Logo_transparent.png

We’re excited to announce that we’ve been working hard over the last few months to curate and produce the first ever South Asian Queer Pride festival in the UK!

South Asian Queer Pride has been brought to life through an amazing collaboration between Inspirate, Asifa Lahore (Festival Curator), Claudia Coelho (Producer), Queer Croydon and Stanley Arts.

‘I have dreamt, yearned for and advocated for a South Asian Queer Pride for my entire life. To have an event where we can be unapologetically Desi and queer at the same time is my queer Bollywood fantasy come true. The South Asian queer community is arguably the largest queer community of colour in the UK and we are constantly sidelined by the mainstream.


To have an event where we are not there to tick boxes, are simply add ons or have to present western appealing performances is us taking control of our own narratives and destiny. This is our queer Mela. This is South Asian Queer Pride.’


(Asifa Lahore, Britain’s first out Muslim drag queen)​


This year, the festival is a one day event, happening on Saturday 20th April, from 1-11pm, at Stanley Arts, Croydon.


Showcasing the vibrancy of South Asian Queer identity and artistic expression, this unique festival will be a safe, healing and inclusive space where South Asian Queer artists can freely express their sense of self, their imagination and creativity through their art form.


South Asian Queer Pride 2024 is a multi art form event, including dance, music, poetry, cabaret, burlesque and visual arts, and will feature both emerging and established South Asian Queer artists.


The festival will also be a platform for dialogue about LGBTQIA issues, including a programme of discussions, workshops and talks exploring the intersectionality of being South Asian and Queer, and the importance of rights, representation, inclusion and freedom of identity.

This year’s theme is Shakti, meaning ‘power’, ‘force’, ‘action’, an energy that resides within us and is present within the world around us. Through forming these exciting partnerships and collaborations, and channelling our collective inner ‘shakti’, we bring you a festival that embraces JOY, TRAILBLAZING VISIBILTY, STRENGTH and COMMUNITY.


This powerful theme has also been inspired by the first ever UK LGBTQIA South Asian support network during the 80’s, called Shakti, providing a safe space for British South Asian Queer people. One of the pioneering voices within Shakti, DJ Ritu, will be our resident DJ during the day, alongside an eclectic and exciting programme of artists and activities that will unapologetically transform and energise Stanley Arts throughout the day and evening!


The full programme and ticketing links will be announced on 5th April, so watch this space for more details! Updates and announcements will be on our website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.


This project has been funded by Arts Council England.

For more information and/or queries please contact us at

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